Hall Royd Junction Box nameboard as preserved at the East Lancashire Raiway, Bury

British Railway Signal Waterslide Transfers (Decals) for MSE etches

Currently there are signal transfers available in a variety of scales and types:

By scale:   7mm4mm3.5mm | 3mm | 2mm

By Railway Company: BR | Great Western | London Midland & ScottishLondon & North Eastern | Southern | Lancashire & Yorkshire

7mm (O scale)

7mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arm transfers

7mm LYR wooden home & distant, tall siding and dwarf signal arms

4mm (OO scale)

4mm MSE/Scalelink BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arm transfers

4mm Dapol BR/LMS Upper Quadrant ready-made signal arms

4mm GWR steel arms 1933-48, and Post-1948 for both MSE and Ratio arms + Shunt, Disc & route indicator slides

4mm LNER Upper Quadrant signal arms 

4mm LYR wooden home & distant, tall siding and dwarf signal arms

3.5mm (HO scale)

3.5mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arms

3mm (TT-3 scale)

3mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arms

2mm (N scale)

2mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arms

2mm GWR steel arms 1933-48, and Post-1948 for MSE arms + Shunt, Disc & route indicator slides

British Railways (BR) / LMS Upper Quadrant types

7mm SR/LMS/BR Upper Quadrant signal arm transfers

4mm MSE/Scalelink BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arm transfers

4mm Dapol BR/LMS Upper Quadrant ready-made signal arms

3.5mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arms

3mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arms

2mm BR/LMS Upper Quadrant signal arms

Great Western Railway (GWR) Lower Quadrant types

4mm GWR steel arms 1933-48, and Post-1948 for both MSE and Ratio arms + Shunt, Disc & route indicator slides

2mm GWR steel arms 1933-48, and Post-1948 for MSE arms + Shunt, Disc & route indicator slides

Southern Railway (SR) Upper Quadrant types

7mm SR/LMS/BR Upper Quadrant signal arm transfers

London & North Eastern (LNER) Upper Quadrant types

4mm LNER Upper Quadrant signal arms 

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway (L&YR)

7mm LYR wooden home & distant, tall siding and dwarf signal arms

4mm LYR wooden home & distant, tall siding and dwarf signal arms

Upper quadrant combined Home/Distant and Platform 1 starter
at Skipton mounted on a Midland wooden post with finial circa
1978. Note that the lower of the three arms is either fixed or has
been disconnected. Can someone confirm the status of this arm?

Photographer Roger Marsh; copyright J K Wallace, all rights reserved.


Other Signalling: 

                    An illustrated history of the LYR distant signal 1860 - 1929

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway signals

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway signal box images on the Web

Details of an LMS-built model bracket signal to demonstrate how slotting works

LNE signal box diagrams as displayed at Mangapps Farm museum

Inner Home and wrong-line starter at Skipton's Platform 1 in 1973

GWR ringed shunting signal as seen at Didcot with older style fastening and folded-edge arm

GWR ribbed shunting arm with white circle as displayed at Mangapps Farm Railway Museum, January 2015.

Bracket signal at Ashtom Moss

Bracket signal at Ashton Moss

Down bracket gantry carrying Southampton Central's starters

The LMS, LNE and Southern Railway companies all adopted upper quadrant arms. Early in the development corrugations were formed in the surface of the signal arm to strengthen it. However it was discovered that a folded edge was just as effective, and cheaper to produce. The LMS and LNE seem to have replaced their corrugated arms at a relatively early stage. However the Southern continued to use them much longer, and in particular for the 3 foot subsidiary arms. This photo of the Down Starters on their gantry at Southampton Central station in the Blue electric period shows at least two arms are of the corrugated pattern - interestingly it is only Home signals that are of this type. All the distants are of the later the folded edge type.

The gradual upgrading of arms is perhaps more apparent on this gantry, as it has a goodly number of arms and has been regularly photographed over the years. A shot taken on 1 April 1967 shows the second 'doll' (post) from the right sporting two corrugated arms, whereas 7-or-so years later, they have both been replaced with the folded-edge type. In 1967 the third doll from the right had a corrugated arm - as does the later view - but it featured a white circle attached to the arm indicating a lesser routing. The fourth and fifth dolls in 1967 also had corrugated arms, which have been upgraded in the later view. Another small but significant change is the attachment of the track circuit diamonds - these are missing from the 1967 view.