Hall Royd Junction Box nameboard as preserved at the East Lancashire Raiway, Bury

Winterbutlee Tunnel and Bridges 96 and 95

Bridge 95 A6033 'Skew Bridge'

Bridge 95 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016


Bridge 95 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Bridge 95 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Bridge 95 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Calder Brook Bridge 96

Bridge 96 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Bridge 96 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Bridge 96 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Bridge 96 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Bridge 96 photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Winterbutlee Tunnel Bridge 97 Western Portal  306 yards

Winterbutlee Tunnel western portal photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Winterbutlee Tunnel western portal photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Winterbutlee Tunnel western portal photographed on Friday 25 March 2016

Winterbutlee Tunnel Bridge 97  Eastern Portal

Winterbutlee Tunnel eastern portal on 25 March 2016

This image also shows the location of the original station, which occupied the space between the footbridge and tunnel mouth. The re-opened station was able to take advantage of the land released after the goods yard was closed.

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